Cathy Naden i Complete Works - Table Top Shakespeare. Forced Entertainment, regi: Tim Etchells. Foto: Hugo Gladdening

Complete works - at home

Forced Entertainments "Complete works - Table Top Shakespeare" ble en umiddelbar suksess med en usedvanlig take: Alle roller ble spilt avgjenstander og forbruksvarer på et kjøkken- eller respatexbord. Serien har fått begeistret mottagelse også i Norge, hvor den er vist på Meteor festivalen i Bergen 2017, og Trøndelag Teater 2019. De som ikke fikk den med seg - fortvil ikke, for nå spilles hele serien i en strømmet versjon, fra Sheffield. Spilleplan under

Vi er inne i den femte uken av serien, og  serien er kommet fram tli de historiske stykkene

 Henry IV Part I (15/10), Part II (16/10) og Part III, (17.10.)

Lørdag 17. 02. forsetter det med Richard III. 

Alle forestililnger startet 8 pm UK tid

Fra annonseringen på egelsk:

Week 5

Now may be the winter of our discontent but in hopefully brighter news we are just about to launch week 5 of Complete Works At Home which brings more of the history plays. We start with Henry VI parts 1, 2 & 3 on Thursday, Friday & Saturday performed by Richard Lowdon, and complete the War of the Roses cycle with Richard III on Sunday direct from Claire’s kitchen.

All available HERE from Thursday 15th to Sunday 18th October: 8pm (UK time).

Til trøst for de sm er gått glipp av tidligere visniner, ligger samlede verker fortsatt til gjengelig på Forced Entertainments nettsted..

Her er den komplette listen, fra 17. september til 15. nove,ber 2020. Merk tidspunktet for live stream, kl. 8pm.

Week 1
17/09  Macbeth  Richard Lowdon
18/09  Pericles  Cathy Naden
19/09  The Merchant of Venice  Claire Marshall
20/09  A Midsummer Night’s Dream  Jerry Killick + Post Show Discussion

Week 2
24/09  Romeo and Juliet  Terry O’Connor
25/09  King John Cathy Naden
26/09  Titus Andronicus  Robin Arthur
27/09  Much Ado About Nothing  Richard Lowdon + Post Show Discussion

Week 3
01/10  Hamlet  Terry O’Connor
02/10  Love’s Labours Lost  Robin Arthur
03/10  The Winter’s Tale  Cathy Naden
04/10  All’s Well That Ends Well  Claire Marshall  + Post Show Discussion

Week 4
08/10  Richard II  Terry O’Connor
09/10  Henry IV Part 1 Jerry Killick
10/10  Henry IV Part 2  Jerry Killick
11/10  Henry V  Claire Marshall  + Post Show Discussion

Week 5
15/10  Henry VI Part 1 Richard Lowdon
16/10  Henry VI Part 2  Richard Lowdon
17/10  Henry VI Part 3  Richard Lowdon
18/10  Richard III  Claire Marshall  + Post Show Discussion

Week 6
22/10  Measure for Measure  Cathy Naden
23/10  Coriolanus  Jerry Killick
24/10  The Merry Wives of Windsor Terry O’Connor
25/10  King Lear Robin Arthur  + Post Show Discussion

Week 7
29/10  Twelfth Night  Jerry Killick
30/10  Cymbeline  Terry O’Connor
31/10  Julius Caesar  Robin Arthur
01/11  Antony and Cleopatra  Cathy Naden  + Post Show Discussion

Week 8
05/11  Two Gentlemen of Verona  Claire Marshall
06/11  Troilus and Cressida  Jerry Killick
07/11  As You Like It  Robin Arthur
08/11  Othello  Cathy Naden  + Post Show Discussion

Week 9
12/11  The Taming of the Shrew  Claire Marshall
13/11  The Comedy of Errors  Terry O’Connor
14/11  Timon of Athens  Robin Arthur
15/11  The Tempest  Richard Lowdon + Post Show Discussion

Post-Show Discussions
Each Sunday of the broadcast period after the 8pm (UK Time) performance, all the performers from that week will host a Zoom Q&A. To register for a post-show discussion on Zoom simply email with the date of the post-show discussion you’d like to join and we will get back to you with details in due course.

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tor, 10/15/2020 - 00:53